Well Beth and I just got back from the gym. I never thought I’d see those words written, let alone come out of my mouth! Here’s a photo of her with her absolutely gorgeous trainer Melissa.
She’s such a nice person. So far personal training is going really well. There was 3 trial sessions at a special price and today was the last one. We had also been doing tennis lessons with the whole family on alternate weeks but Beth wasn’t really enjoying them and sitting out after 15 minutes. I spoke with the gym last week when we went and asked about having the training every week instead. So now she’s actually a member! Tomorrow we’re going and Melissa will do Beth’s assessment for her and show her how to use the equipment. That means that once a week Beth will have personal training, and once a week she’ll go with me and we’ll do a workout together.
I was pleased when she finished today as she had gone on to the rower. I really enjoy the rowing machine myself and she enjoyed it lots too. So that’s something we can do together. Here we are after getting home. Bridie’s home sick so I got her to take the photo. As you can see she got a bit of herself in. And Maggie too!
I spoke to Beth’s school yesterday as they have a short baristas course that I’d like her to do. That way, if we do end up buying a gym, or a different sort of business, Beth could make coffees for people. The person coordinating it said he wasn’t sure she’d cope (I asked him what he thought to give him an opening), but it would be good to give it a try. So I feel like we’re getting some sort of plan together for the future. Hopefully!