A busy week

We’ve had a busy week so far. Monday was pretty much par for the course, kids went back to school happy to be there. Tuesday was JRock day and Paul had the day off. I dropped Bill off at school at 7.15am! They had to be at Hisense Arena for a 9am rehearsal. I had given Beth the day off as I was to take her in later in the day. She wouldn’t have coped with an all day event. If it had been closer I would have taken her for the rehearsal and brought her home but I don’t drive in the city at the best of times! That’s what living in the hills does to you, you don’t want to drive in ‘the flats’ or the flatter areas! I had also given Bridie the day off as we had to leave at 3.30pm to get into the city and I was anticipating a latish night for her.

I’m doing weight watchers at present so we got the girls and Minka the Wonderdog in the car and hightailed it down to Birdslands Reserve for a walk. As I’m not a lover of exercise I enjoy my walks there as it’s flat and very pretty. It’s about 2km all around and takes up to an hour with kids in tow. Beth was terrific and insisted on taking Minka’s lead and being responsible for her. The rest of the day was fairly quiet.

We got to Hisense at 5pm. Wow, the security there is strict. They wouldn’t let us in even though Bethie had the JRock t shirt on. We didn’t have security passes and I couldn’t get hold of anybody on the phone as it was so noisy in there. Luckily I saw Beth’s friend Megan outside so called to her through the fence and she went and got Beth’s teacher who brought some passes down to us. My friend Lisa had come prepared as she tends to do and brought some ear muffs for Bethie if it got too loud which it did for a while. Bill looked exhausted after being there all day but happy, there was a real buzz of excitement in the air. I had brought Beth’s trusty DSi, something that the other kids weren’t allowed to have but necessary with Beth as she kept running around with me running after her to make sure she wasn’t in to everything! I am of course biased but my babies did look grand, Bill in his knights costume and Beth as the very regal queen.

The evening was a very sentimental one as we had a beautiful purple butterfly played by Beth’s friend Jessica. There was great significance with the butterfly as Mikayla, the little girl from school who passed away last year, loved purple and loved butterflies. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when this was explained at the performance, it was such a special tribute. The show was of course fabulous and showed what an amazing school we have with a huge effort by kids, staff and parents alike. The kids at our school were so well behaved and I was so proud of them all. We left at a fairly decent hour, luckily we were second on so we ended up getting home at about 9.30pm.

When I got home I had received a message from Emerson to say that they are going to come out to our Primary School to assess Beth.  I am so excited about this as I’m sure you can imagine. Of course I know that we still wont know until term four but it’s good to see that they’re considering Beth. They’re coming next Wednesday so I’ll be counting down the days!

About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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