Wow, another year gone! Unbelievable. I can’t believe that my big girl is starting High School this year, it’s just flown by. I’m not a big one for new year’s resolutions (I always break them) but it is nice to reflect on the year and to look forward to new beginnings. We have some huge changes this year, Beth’s schooling for one and moving house for another. We’ve been in the process of subdividing my inlaw’s block for 4 to 5 years now, finally the building work has begun. It has stalled for the Christmas/New Year period but it’s looking good so far. I’m very excited! We’ve always lived in a ‘renovators delight’ in the past. Much as I love character homes there’s a fine line between character and old and crappy. I’m looking forward to living in a real grown ups house where things don’t need fixing and everything’s new. I’m also looking for a part time job. I’m hoping for Bunnings or IKEA as I want lots from both of them so a discount would be handy! Also, they both have stores close to Emerson so I could just drop Beth off, go to work and get back in time for school pickup. I’d also like to be on my way to writing a book if I can organise myself. I have a few ideas in mind, all of them around life with my girl. I just need to make a start.
It’s going to be a huge year for Beth starting at her new school. It’ll be a battle to start with which I’m dreading. Beth’s going to find it hard to do things for herself and get independant but, difficult as it’ll be to start with it’ll be well worth it in the end. If we want Beth to be able to live in society with even a semblance of independance then this is the place she needs to be.
Christmas this year was exhausting as usual. Some of you may remember that I went into hospital last Christmas Day with pneumonia and pleuracy. Horrible as it was it was much more relaxing than the Christmas rush! This year especially was tiring. School didn’t finish until the 23rd of December. We had Bethie’s graduation on the night of the 20th and Christmas Carols at school on the 21st. We were already buggered even without Christmas. Christmas Eve we went down to Rye to my Dad and Helen’s house so we didn’t get home ’til about 10.30pm after having to slow down at every house with lights. Christmas Day we went to Paul’s family at Bon Beach and Boxing Day we went to family friends at Frankston. Individually these were all lovely days but for me (I’m a real homebody) it was just a bit too much. Add in visiting interstate relos and popping in to other friends and I was a wreck by the end! The kids did well as always. Beth got her ipad 2 which she of course loves. I’ll have to download some apps onto it to help with speech therapy which Rod (our speech therapist) is going to send me. She’s content with youtube though and checks out Disney like it’s the stock market.
This week is the opposite of last week. Paul is in Perth for the World Sailing Championships. I’ve been dreading this week ever since Paul told me he was going. Paul took the kids out over the weekend and a couple of times last week so I took the opportunity to take the Christmas tree down and sort a bit of the house out. It’s amazing how much better your mind feels when your house is somewhat clean. It’s stinking hot at the moment, three days in the high 30s and today is meant to hit 40 degrees. I’ve told the kids that we’re not going anywhere while it’s this hot so there’s nobody nagging to go somewhere or to have a play. So far so good. It’s only day two but we had a lovely day yesterday. I must admit I am letting the kids play on electronics a lot and watch dvds when they want but hey, whatever gets you through the night. Happy Mummy happy kids. I’m reading my new Stephen King book, we’ve bought the series of My Name is Earl which we all love, we have food in for a whole week, I’m prepared.
I’d just like to wish all of my readers a Happy New Year. 2012 is shaping up to be a huge one. 2011 was a funny year. For me it was full of socialising which I loved! I cemented some true friendships and found room for fantastic new ones too. I did lots of procrastinating, lots of worrying, lots of crying. More importantly, lots of laughing. I feel like this year is a whole new start and I can’t wait. Thankyou for sharing our journey with us so far, I’ve loved your support and look forward to continuing with lots of news in 2012.