So…. we have a few things in the works at the moment. I went to the doctors last week and spoke with her and we both agreed that Beth may be playing up because she’s bored. I haven’t really thought much about a regular outing for her. Beth really enjoyed doing her fortnightly art class and we haven’t gotten in to anything else since. I just kept thinking about how I just don’t have the time to do everything she wants to do. The dr suggested I find somebody to take her out so I took her advice.
I met Caitlin this morning. She’s lovely and was suggested to me by an old school friend as it’s her daughter. She works for an agency who deals with the NDIS and we sat down with Beth and chatted about what she likes to do. I have another young lady to meet soon who does the same thing so I’m going to see how we go, alternating may be a good thing or more frequently? We are doing every second Wednesday starting in 2 weeks. The list is huge, from going to the zoo to going to the art shop and coming home and doing art. So many things. Beth wants to go to the Van Gogh exhibition, she loves the library, she loves the beach, she loves the museum! And of course I’ve had the mum guilt. Not wanting to do all of these things all of the time but trying to keep Beth’s life enriched and enjoyable. So now she gets to do it all but with somebody younger so it’s like going out with a friend. I’m excited!
Another exciting development is that Beth is going away for a couple of days! There’s a place near my sister’s house in Maryborough that is a farm stay. We went to visit last time we were there and Beth really liked it. I’m trying to get her used to being without me and I think it’s a good way of doing it because it’s full of fun. She could choose one big activity to do and she’s chosen horseriding. On the other days there is cooking, going swimming and fish and chips in the park, they’re always doing something fun. She’s so excited! We’re going up on Saturday to stay with my sister, then on the Monday when I come home Beth will go across to the farmstay and be brought home on Wednesday. I won’t know what to do with myself! I’ll be driving home alone but I’ll have my true crime podcasts to keep me company! I don’t get a chance to listen too much as I catch the train to work usually.
I’ll leave you with some Beth funnys. We had the spa fixed a little while ago and Beth and I have one most days. She’s been asking questions and they’ve been really specific! On the weekend she casually asked “is it true that if you fart when giving birth that your baby will get diabetes?!” I explained that you do a lot worse than fart and that none of them have diabetes! She then asked “is it true that you shit yourself when you die?!” Now Beth usually doesn’t swear so it’s weird to hear her do it, not that it bothers me really. Anyway, I told her yes, you poo and wee when you die because all your holding muscles are letting go. Not sure if that’s the right explanation but it’s the one I gave as it makes sense to me! Have a great week everybody! xx Here’s some Beth at work photos! x