For the most part it’s been a good week this week.
I have been really pleased because Beth has been going to work religiously without complaint, something that hasn’t happens for goodness knows how long. I am thinking that the medical cannabis is working, for that side of things at least! She even complained of having a sore ear and a bit of a cold on Thursday so I suggested that she has some armaforce to combat these, she was more than happy to do this and still go to work. Normally she’d be saying that she has to stay home.
On Friday Amahle and Bridie took Beth to Rush which has trampolines and foam pits, things she loves but hasn’t been too much. Due to me not liking them at all!
Yesterday however was one of those bad meltdown days. Beth was being particularly annoying, both to Paul – telling him he needs a hobby on Sundays to get him out of the house, and to Bridie – telling her that she needed to have a spa with us. It was really horrible. I tried to get her to read for 15 minutes as I finished my coffee so we could go in the spa together. But that took about an hour because she kept insisting that she read in the lounge where Paul and Bridie were, or arguing that she could read her phone. Or that because she uses subtitles watching the tv is reading too. It got worse and worse on both our parts. In the end I sent her to settle down in the spa for a few minutes before I joined her. After a while she calmed down but not before manically trying to get me to play over/under and dipping her head (glasses and all) under the water to win. By the time we had gotten out she was calm again and all was well and I was stuffed! Bill pointed out later though that those meltdowns used to be a lot more frequent and, thinking about it, I agree. It still makes me want to run away though!
On Saturday I visited a friend after work because her daughter has a recent diagnosis for her nearly 4 year old daughter. As is always the case, the mum was feeling a tad overwhelmed and wanted somebody to chat with who has been in the same situation. It was so nice to do this, it’s been a while. I used to catch up with different mums, whether in my support group or one on one if I met them through school. I had a lot of contacts then but as Beth has grown older not so much. I offered to help set up a support group the same way I had all those years ago, contacting a community house and putting flyers in school and kindergarten newsletters. She’s a fantastic mum, her daughter was just gorgeous and had lovely manners. She liked the idea of doing that and was quite happy to then take over once we’ve established a support group. Other than that we just chatted over cuppas and it was really lovely! So many things took me back to Beth’s behaviours at that age. Lining things up, having to have locks on cupboards because of Beth’s love of the sound of plates/glasses/eggs shattering. Beth pissing off whenever she wasn’t on a halter lead! Not that her girl was doing the latter 2 things, it just brought back so many memories as we talked!
and, drumroll………I’ve decided I’m going to write a book! So, stay tuned! xx