February already!

Oh my goodness, sorry I just realised how long it’s been since I’ve written! Time got away from me and all of a sudden it’s February. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We’ve been plodding along as usual. Beth had a weekend away with Bridie and Amahle to Phillip Island which was amazing. For me especially! They went to see the Fairy Penguins and the chocolate factory and the wildlife park. They ate fish and chips and really, what more could she want. I slothed around and ate when I wanted and watched lots of Netflix and thought that I really should be getting stuff done but that I couldn’t be bothered.

Last week we had a power blackout for 2 days. Oh My God! It was absolute hell. Unfortunately the middle day was my day off so I couldn’t even get away. The most annoying thing is that there was no range for the phones either so we couldn’t even get on the internet. It happened on the Tuesday and between 3 and 5 Beth had a massive tantrum. Complete with her version of me. Me, by the end not being very nice to her, wasn’t the me she wanted to hear so she spoke on my behalf. With her hand talking like a sock puppet without the puppet. With a really deep voice! So she would be having a meltdown and the real me by that time was saying ‘for fucks sakes Beth, you’re 24 and you’re acting like a 2 year old, I can’t do anything about what’s happening and I hate it too so you’ll just have to deal’. Not my proudest moment but better than me going to stay in a motel by myself which is what I really wanted to do. Beth’s version however was to answer herself as me. ‘hello darling, I’m sorry that you have to go through this, we can go out and find somewhere that has power and internet and we’ll be fine. Now come and give me a big hug. I’m sorry I got angry at you!’ With me saying “I don’t speak like that (think Johnny Depp imitating the father in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and I’m not sorry and I don’t want a hug!’ Starting when we were meant to watch Bold, then when the Middle was meant to come on, it went on and on.

Day 2 we went to Knox and charged our phones in the car a little bit. Not too bad during the day, we could read and I quite enjoyed doing this but of course Beth didn’t enjoy it at all. Then that night it started all over again. Pizza calmed her down a little then Paul said he’d take her out for a drive to charge the phones. I kept getting texts from her with things such as “we’re going to the Angliss Hospital because they have power and wifi. With me saying no, when I stayed there the wifi was crap so they don’t, plus it’s for sick people which you’re not. With a cheery reply of ‘see you at the Angliss then’ with a smiley face! Then when she came home and complained that we still had no power she tried to tell me that instead of my ‘I can’t do anything about it’ reply, that I’d actually said ‘Beth be optimistic and it’ll come back on tonight!’ Finally it came back on the next morning, just in time for us to both go back to work!

I’ll leave you with a Beth funny. She was telling us what she did at work that day and Paul asked if the really mean emu was still at her work. She replied with ‘you mean Rogue One?’ And yes, it was Rogue One. She said ‘no he died. He’s in hell now!’ Well ok then!

About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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