I’m feeling a bit bad today after last nights post. I guess I shouldn’t write things while feeling shitty. I’ve spoken to the parent of one of the children I wrote about and she let me know that her daughter had no idea that she had upset me as she had and that she was just laughing as Beth had her bathers under her top and it looked like she had big boobs. She pointed out that if any other child had done the same thing they would have laughed. I guess I am oversensitive, more so with Beth than with my other kids as I know she is an easy target.
 I also spoke to Beth’s teacher again today and she said that no, Beth hadn’t said anything about playdates and sleepovers that day. She said that she had had a word with all the children about speaking about things that other kids weren’t invited to, she didn’t single out Beth but just said that everybody has been in a situation when they didn’t get invited to things and that it hurts at times. The kids did understand as we’ve all been there. I just feel bad for the parents involved as even though I didn’t use the real names they realised who I meant and understandably it would have hurt their feelings. So for that I do apologize and I thank them for their communication today.