Beth’s been a bit of a grumpy bum this weekend. Mind you she got her you know what this morning so if she’s anything like me it’s no wonder she’s been such a cow! Yesterday she was most disappointed because Bridie was going to a party at a gym and she wanted to go too. She does all the convincing things such as “But Laura is my friend too, Laura really likes me,” which makes it hard to explain because I’m sure she does like Beth, she just doesn’t need to invite her to her party. Beth and Bill went to Grandma and Grandpa’s instead where Beth had to be changed twice due to digging in the wet garden and getting herself filthy. She’s in one of her insolent moods, lovely to live with. The others aren’t much better, it’s that time of year where they are more naughty than nice.
I went out last night and Beth was still wide awake when I got home after 11pm. I told her to hop in with me so she got straight in and went straight to sleep. I think she can sleep with me again tonight, otherwise we’ll be up ’til all hours. She’ll do all she can to make sure that she doesn’t go to sleep and I just make her lie and be quiet so she tends to go to sleep a bit earlier, to ease the boredom if nothing else.
Beth had choir today with Donna Williams. Donna has moved the choir outside in a little paved area which is just lovely. The problem with Beth was that there was so much to look at and fiddle with. She went in a shitty mood and tried to bring everybody else down to her level. She kept sitting down and fiddling with stones, overturning big rocks which were in walls to see if there were any bugs or beetles that she could play with. Donna asked her to put back some stones at one point as she had picked them all up from a pets grave. She played with snails and basically did anything she could not to join in. When I got her up by whispering sweet threats in her ears she stood with her arms folded, for the most part not singing at all. When I asked her to use her voice she yelled out loudly rather than sing.
Donna did a lot of the favourite songs that they have learned including 2 that Beth had chosen. Donna is excellent at making up songs too so she asked everyone how they were feeling and Anthony (her accompaniest) played a suitable tune. For example Kayla was feeling happy, Tilly was feeling friendly, Gwen was feeling hot (It’s 31 degrees out today). Beth’s turn “How are you feeling Beth?” – “Bored.” Great, thanks for the input! They sang about that too. In the last song about bubbles Beth kept calling out that she wanted to change her pad. Then after it had all finished and she finally got to leave as she wanted, she disappeared down the garden for a play!
Paul in his insanity decided to take the kids to Knox to buy my Christmas presents this afternoon. I settled in to watch an episode of Dexter and with 10 minutes to go heard the dulcet tones of Beth outside the door. I had told the kids that there would be no more treats for them as Christmas is only 3 weeks away. Well that didn’t go down well with Beth. She had such a tantrum about getting a dvd that Paul had to bring the whole lot of them home. She continued it for some time, even running out the front door to try to get back in the car. We told he she had to go to her room to calm down for a while. Paul took Bill and Bridie swimming so Beth’s now reading and I’m on here. I squeezed in my last 10 minutes of Dexter too so I got some time I guess!