Monday December 13th 2010 part 2

Today marked the awful passing of little Mikayla Francis. People who read my blog on a regular basis would know that she’s a little girl at my kids school. Even if you don’t read regularly you know doubt know of the journey of the Francis family. She was only 7 years old and she died of an aggressive cancer in her lungs and liver. She had poise and dignity that people of a much older generation often fail to possess. She looked forward to going to heaven with a belief so strong in God it was amazing. She believed that Heaven would be awesome and that God would be waiting with open arms to welcome her.

Despite the difficulties that we as parents face every day I wouldn’t give any of it up. I’d rather have an autistic child than to lose a child to cancer, any day. My life has been so enriched by Beth (and my other children of course). Beth has given me a sense of purpose, I believe she is the reason I am here. It’s our job as parents of these special kids to show the world that different is ok, in fact it’s quite refreshing. Our kids are our future, lets cherish them through good and bad. Rest in peace Mikayla.

About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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2 Responses to Monday December 13th 2010 part 2

  1. Narelle Wills says:

    So sorry to hear of the passing of Mikayla, my heart really goes out to the family. Your words are very touching and so true

  2. Sarah says:

    thanks Narelle, it’s a hard day for all at the moment, just wanted to cherish what we have. thanks for reading xx

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