A waiting game

I hate waiting. I know it’s the way of the world but I want to know if we’ll be accepted at Emeron now dammit! I will however have to wait til 4th term. I’ve filled in the extensive forms and have an appointment with our principal at Primary School to see if she has the written results of the iq test, the vineland and the whipsy? I think it’s called. I’ve also written a covering letter. In it I have said thankyou for showing us around and have stated quite clearly that we loved it. I made mention of the fact that even though we live in the Heatherwood zone I was concerned with the long journey on the bus which has been confirmed as three hours a day. I also pointed out the proximity to Springvale Road which is 6 lanes across at that point. They don’t lock the gates at Heatherwood and they do at Emerson. I explained my fears at having a girl at high school and how I want her to be an equal among her peers and to have playdates and sleepovers like Bill and Bridie. I told them that I had done various things at our Primary School such as helping with the Trivia Night last year and how I was willing to do the same at Emerson. I even told them that I’m doing a web design course this year – which I am. I don’t think there’s anything else that can be done now, it’s in their hands.

I’ve noticed lately that Beth seems to be having Tourettes moments. She mutters really quick words under her breath that alway seem to be the same. I can’t quite make them out. She’s always been a noisy one, letting out grunts and noises when jumping around in excitement, now these little words are thrown in.  I guess we’re lucky she’s never been a swearer otherwise who knows what could be coming out of her mouth!

About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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