She’s 23!

Sorry it’s been a few weeks since I wrote. I was stuffing around with the website as the subscriptions weren’t working. It’s still a work in progress mind you but I don’t want to hold off on writing all the time.

We’ve had a busy few weeks. Beth ended up not being able to go on her weekend away because the lady who runs it ended up with covid! Bloody thing has a lot to answer for, it’s ruled everything for the last 2 years! We’ve rescheduled until the second weekend in May so she’s still excited. It’s the next step towards a little bit of independence from me so I’m pretty excited too.

Beth has also been out with her new friend and support worker Caitlyn. They seem to have a love of animals and fast food in common so having a wonderful time!  They went to the zoo on the first day. Then the second week they went back to the zoo because they didn’t get to see it all the first time. Then on Wednesday they went to the library and had fish and chips for lunch. And when they came back they took the dogs for a walk. It’s been really lovely. I’ll pop a link to the facebook page of the agency here that we are now using if anybody is looking for support workers. We’re really happy with them.

Beth turned 23 a couple of weeks ago! She was 10 when I started writing this blog. When Dad was still alive he often talked about making it into a book. One day I’d like to do something like that with it. So, if there are any talent scouts for writing out there, hit me up!

It’s hard to know what to buy for a 23 year old who’s not that fussed about fashion. We went to the Van Gogh exhibition at the Lume which was great, and they had a DFO across the road so we did pick a couple of tops for her and some cool wizard of oz pyjamas. She also orderered various books. Now she’s rich in books, she picked up 10 from the library!

Last week we went to the movies. Beth’s birthday always falls around school holiday time so we can usually see a good kids movie. We saw one called The Bad Guys which was actually really good. Then we had lunch at the Pancake Parlour. I really enjoy going to the movies, that’s our special thing we do, that and our pedicures. And it’s so nice that Beth can still do the other things that she loves so that it gives her an outing and me a break.

And the last exciting thing is that Beth’s art teacher is coming back! She’s been busy with other things and of course, covid got in the way! But she’s happy to come back and teach Beth again. And maybe me too! So I have big things planned for this year.

I am thinking that I will start up a little shop for prints of Beth’s artwork. So stay tuned, there’s lots of exciting things in the works! I’ll pop a couple of pictures of Beth when we went out for lunch with her new birthday jumper on and of us in Van Gogh’s bedroom. Speak soon! xx



About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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