Covid and Hairspray

hello everybody! Sorry I’ve been absent, it’s been an eventful few weeks!

Our Bill came down with covid a few weeks ago, then 2 days later I had a huge headache and the chills overnight and tested positive. Then Paul did the next day. Then finally, Beth! I was sort of glad that Beth and I had it together as it meant she could come in with me, as she wasn’t happy that we had to stay apart. She knew we did but that didn’t stop her from trying and having massive tantrums about it too! It took me a good couple of weeks to get past it, I don’t like this getting sick at an older age, it takes you so much longer to feel better! The kids were pretty good after a week. Bridie was the only one who didn’t get it this time!

Last week I took my girls, and 2 of Bridie’s friends, to see Hairspray! It was amazing! I absolutely loved it and every time I looked over at Beth she had a huge smile on her face! Here’s some photos of us there. As you can see Bridie didn’t want to show her face. Only her finger, cheeky shit!

Beth’s been back at work since last week too. She’s still really bad tantrum and obsession wise, we’ve got a doctors appointment next week to discuss medication changes and to see if we can find a psychologist who specialises in women with autism. Really hard at the moment as, due to the covid situation, many aren’t taking on new clients. I spoke to one of the managers at her work and explained the situation as she can carry on at work too. I said if she preferred I could keep Beth home until we get things sorted, (fingers and toes crossed!) and she said no, if they’re aware of it they’ll cope. Which was of course a godsend for me! It’s not been enjoyable lately! Anyway, here are some lovely photos of her at work! Have a good week everybody! x

About Sarah

Mother of an autistic child wanting to write about my personal experiences
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